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Master of Education
(Education for Persons with Special Needs)

Course Description

(3) Elective Courses not less than

credits (lecture-lab-self study)

RSES 610 Language and Culture of the Deaf 3 (3–0–6)

The socio-cultural world of the Deaf ; the history and the use of sign language; the distinctive features of sign language and speech; the structure of sign; the diversity of sign language and sign languages in the world; the language acquisition of hearing and deaf children; Deaf culture

RSES 611 Educational Audiology 3 (2–2–5)

The anatomy and physiology of the ear; common auditory disorders; hearing tests and hearing device; speech and language development; communication disorders

RSES 612 Sign Language for Communication 3 (2–2–5)

Meaning and history of sign language; types of sign language; sign language families; deaf communities; the origin of signs; distinctive grammatical features of sign language and Thai Sign Language; practicing Thai Sign Language

RSES 613 Cross-Cultural Communication in Aspect of 3 (3–0–6)
Persons with Disabilities

Meaning of communication and culture; relationship between communication and culture; principles of cross-cultural communication; influences on cross-cultural communication; verbal and nonverbal in context of cross-cultural communication with persons with disabilities; cross-cultural communication in multicultural situation expecially in Asian

RSES 614 Educational Technologies for 3 (2–2–5)
Persons with Special Needs

Definition and types of educational technology; benefits of educational technology; educational technologies for person with special needs; trends of educational technology; best practices organizations

RSES 615 Educational Media Production for 3 (2–2–5)
Persons with Special Needs

Definition and types of educational media; educational media for person with special needs; Educational media design; educational media production for person with special needs; best practices organizations

RSES 616 Educational Support Services for 3 (2–2–5)
Persons with Special Needs

Principle of educational support services; type of educational support services; policies and procedures which support the services in compulsory education, vocational education, higher education and community; understanding family support services in schools; accessing educational support services; best practices organizations

RSES 617 Guidance and Counseling in School 3 (2–2–5)

Principle of Guidance; guidance services; theories of counseling; principle and process of counseling; providing coping and stress supports for parent and family; Individual assessment and educational planning; career development and transition; best practices organizations

RSES 618 Educational Management for Persons 3 (2–2–5)
with Visual Disabilities

Types of visual impairments; measurement and assessment of vision; Learning and Development of children with visual disabilities; specific skills of persons with visual disabilities; appropriate and safe environment both inside and outside classrooms; the provision of education in special and inclusive schools; universal design on teaching and learning; media production for persons with visual disabilities; best practices organizations

RSES 619 Educational Management for Persons 3 (2–2–5)
with Hearing Disabilities

Deaf culture and understanding sign language; teaching strategies in social studies, science, mathematics, Thai language, Thai sign language, health education, physical education, and recreation; integrating technology in teaching; measurement and evaluation; best practices organizations

RSES 620 Educational Management for Persons 3 (2–2–5)
with Intellectual Disabilities

Definition; classification of intellectual disabilities; learning methods; patterns of educational management for persons with intellectual disabilities; individualized education plan, teaching technique; behavior modification technique; supporting persons with intellectual disabilities in classroom; best practices organizations

RSES 621 Arts for Creative Thinking Development 3 (2–2–5)

Definition and importance of creative thinking; factors influencing human creativity; principles and theories about the development of creative thinking; application of creativity in daily life and career

RSES 622 Music for Persons with Visual and 3 (2–2–5)
Hearing Disabilities

Principles and methods of teaching music to persons with visual and hearing disabilities; lesson plan; classroom management; assessment; and research issues in music related to persons with visual and hearing disabilities; best practices organizations

RSES 623 Music for Persons with Intellectual, 3 (2–2–5)
Behavior, and Emotional Disabilities

Principles and methods of teaching music to persons with behavior and emotional disabilities; attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD); autism spectrum disorders (ASD); lesson plan; classroom management assessment; and research issues in music related to persons with behavior and emotional disabilities

RSES 624 Music in Special Education 3 (2–2–5)

Principles and practice of music instruction for persons with disabilities; history of music in special education; characteristics of persons with disabilities; teaching strategies; inclusive class for music subject; curriculum development; classroom management; and research issues in music for persons with special needs

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